Roots & Rules of Spelling

To help study for the unknown words in the National Spelling Bee, try learning etymology! Our Etyma products in Latin and Greek were specifically designed for those competing in spelling bees and include "hard" and "easy" word examples so spellers can really "see" how word parts are used to form complete words. For spellers who already know a large number of words, these products "connect the dots" and can help spellers make sense of words that are already committed to memory while making it easier to correctly "guess" others. Our Spelling Rules Book is one of our best selling products and can aid in deciphering the meaning of words in a variety of languages in minutes! 

Over 80% of words in the English language are borrowed from another language and over 60% have Latin and Greek elements. 

Going to the National Spelling Bee? Read our After-A-Spell newsletter to help know what you might expect!

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