Verbomania and the National Spelling Bee

Verbomania means "passion, craze, or obsession with words." This well-known and highly respected regional, state, and National Spelling Bee prep book contains over 13,000 vocabulary enriching, SAT-type words. These are some of the more dynamic and interesting nouns, verbs, and adjectives from the English language that form a strong spelling and vocabulary foundation. Words include definitions, phonetic pronunciations, parts of speech, and language of origin. Random sequence includes etymology and pronunciations. Alpha sequence has been revised to include shortened etymology and pronunciations. Words in Verbomania are typical of words found in spelling competitions, and historically, many of the words in the earlier rounds of the National Spelling Bee have been found in this volume. Order the eMentor version of Verbomania to study online.


  • 2019
    - 75% of the 2019 National Spelling Bee Finalists had Verbomania.
    - 49% of the words in Round 3 at NSB 2019 could be found in Verbomania.
    - 33% of the words in the 2019 Written Round vocabulary section could be found in Verbomania.
    - 83% of the 2019 Round 3 words could be found in Verbomania, New Nat's Notes, and Blitz List.
  • 2021
    - 74% of the 302 words given in National Finals were in one of our published products!
    - 50% of all 302 words were in either New Nat's Notes (44%) and Verbomania (6%)!
    - 12% of the 302 words were NOT in any published Hexco product.
    - 87% of the 78 words given for vocabulary in the Preliminary Round 5, Semifinal Round 8 and Final Round 11, were in one of Hexco's published products. 74% were in either Verbomania (35%) or New Nat's Notes (38%).