How do Hexco customers fare at the National Spelling Bee?

Annually, about 50% of the contestants at the National Spelling Bee use Hexco products. In fact, for 20 years, one or more of the winners used Hexco products for a total of 29 National champions, counting the ties along the way and 7 of the 8 octo-champs in 2019. Yet, while our products are developed with National Spelling Bee study in mind, we do not claim or guarantee that any of our products or coaches will literally help one “win” the National Spelling Bee. Spelling is a journey, and we are proud to provide materials and instruction that have become part of that journey to thousands of students over the years. Our company spends infinite hours per year tracking, researching and revising a 30+ year collection of words and we diligently apply statistical analysis to find our where our words land and how our customers fare at the National Spelling Bee. We encourage you to see for yourself with this free download of our annual newsletter that recaps the last National Spelling Bee and includes statistics, words used, speller's stories and more!