
You can order with a purchase order online or with credit card!


Create an account or log in to your existing account. Choose "Purchase Order" as a method of payment once you have completed your selection. Include your PO# or leave it blank and send it later by messaging us inside your account. WE CANNOT SHIP UNTIL WE HAVE A PO# - but we will hold the order for 30 days.


Create an account or log in to your existing account. Select "Pay with Purchase Order" and check your email for a document called "Your Order OR Quote." If we see your order come in without an actual PO number, yet you have chosen this option as a payment, we'll assume it's a quote and remove tax (if charged) and initial it as an "official" quote within 24 business day hours. You will then get a second email that looks identical except it will have one of our staff member's name or initials in red. You can now submit this quote to your business office for approval and communicate with us entirely through your account. FINALLY ... send us your PO# through your account once you have it! Questions? Contact us!

TAX EXEMPT? Simply sign up for a new account and provide your school/organization tax exempt number. Once reviewed, we will set your account to default as tax-exempt. NOTE: If tax is included when you checkout with a purchase order, you will NOT be charged tax when we process your order if you are ordering for a school. If tax is added to your credit card, we will refund the tax when we process your order.

UIL Catalog and Tax/Vendor Forms

(Click image to download)

download-hexco-uil-academics-2022-catalog-pdf-form.png Download Sole Source and W-9 PDF Form